Content Page Gutenberg

Headings and paragraphs

h1 – The Fan Company

h2 – and The Span Element

h3 – The Fan Company

h4 – The Fan Company

Paragraph text – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam in faucibus dui, sed laoreet urna. Nullam eleifend erat vel urna fermentum, vel bibendum nisi sollicitudin. Suspendisse congue non risus in efficitur. Maecenas at neque blandit, vestibulum nunc ut, pulvinar nisi. Integer non erat lectus. Curabitur sit amet luctus lectus. Phasellus ornare nunc leo. Fusce ac mi consequat, luctus elit vel, vehicula ex. Curabitur non purus vel magna feugiat pharetra. Aliquam dictum aliquam nunc eu auctor.

Link example

You can convert any link or button into the same style button if you add class “button” to it.

Link example with class”button” added to the block

Description lists

Description listsA description list is perfect for defining terms.TermDefinition for the term.A second definition for the same term.Another termDefinition for this other term.


  1. Here’s an ordered list
  2. With a few list items
  3. It has the same overall look
  4. As the previous unordered list


Table headingTable headingTable headingTable heading
Table cellTable cellTable cellTable cell
Table cellTable cellTable cellTable cell
Table cellTable cellTable cellTable cell